First places for Three Tasks in 2018 CVPR Looking Into Person Challenge

The C3SR team won the 1st places for the CVPR Visual Understanding of Humans in Crowd Scene and the 2nd Look Into Person (LIP) Challenge for three Tacks: Track1 Look Into Person: Single Person Human Parsing Challenge(50462 images), Track2 Look Into Person: Multi-Person Human Parsing Challenge(38280 images) and Track5 Look Into Person: Fine-Grained Multi-Human Human Parsing Challenge(25403 images).

The winning team members were Yunchao Wei, Ting Liu, Rao Ruan, Jie Zhao, Shikui Wei, Yao Zhao, Honghui Shi, Jinjun Xiong, and Thomas Huang. For details, please check out the following IBM blog post.
