
The C3SR team won the Best Poster Award at the the IBM AI Research Week for their work, titled “DNNBuilder: an Automated Tool for Building High-Performance DNN Hardware Accelerators for FPGAs.”

The winning team members were Xiaofan Zhang, Junsong Wang, Chao Zhu, Yonghua Lin, Jinjun Xiong, Wen-mei Hwu and Deming Chen.



The C3SR team attended the week-long IBM AI Research Week in Boston from Oct 1 - 5, 2018. More than 20 C3SR graduate and undergraduate students along with Prof. Kevin Chang, Prof. Deming Chen and Center Co-directors Prof. Wen-mei Hwu and Dr. Jinjun Xiong represented the C3SR Center attended this event and presented the Center’s work. During one of the lunch breaks, some C3SR participants went out for a special ICE Cream treat (see the picture above).


The C3SR hosted its inaugural Open House Event at ECE Building’s Lobby on Sept 28 from 11 - 2 PM. C3SR students prepared more than 18 posters on a wide range of AI research topics currently going on at the center. We also had a live demo on deep neuron network based object detection running on an FPGA platform. The event was a huge success with many students and faculty stopped by at the posters, learned about the center’s AI research, and discussed potential collaborations and engagement with the center.


C3SR Co-directors Prof. Wen-mei Hwu and Dr. Jinjun Xiong were invited to speak about C3SR research at the inaugural Illinois Ignite event on September 27, 2018 in Chicago, IL. The talk has generated a lot of interests from audiences consisting of well-known VCs, prominent researchers from universities in Illinois, and innovators and entrepreneurs. It was a great showcase of C3SR’s broad and impactful research porforlio.


The C3SR sent two teams to participat the IEEE HPEC 2018 Graph Challenge. The first team won as one of the Finalists for their work, titled “Collaborative (CPU + GPU) Algorithms for Triangle Counting and Truss Decomposition,” and the winning team members were Vikram S. Mailthody, Ketan Date, Zaid Qureshi, Carl Pearson, Rakesh Nagi, Jinjun Xiong and Wen-mei Hwu. The second team won as one of the Student Innovation Award for their work, titled “Triangle Counting and Truss Decomposition using FPGA,” and the winning team members were Sitao Huang, Mohamed El-Hadedy, Cong Hao, Qin Li, Vikram S.


Register link: Do you want to check out the latest AI technologies? Please come to visit the IBM-ILLINOIS Center for Cognitive Computing Systems Research (C3SR) Open House on Friday, September 28, 2018 from 11 - 2 PM at the ECE Building Lobby. We will showcase many COOLEST AI research, systems, and demos students and faculty at C3SR are pursuing. Come to listen to the talk on “Game Changing AI and Block Chain Systems at C3SR” in Room 3002 at ECE Building.


Congratulations to the C3SR iSmart2 team winning the Third Place in the 2018 DAC System Design Contest at the Design Automation Conference (DAC) in San Francisco.

The C3SR winning team members are Cong Hao, Yuhong Li, Sitao Huang, Xiaofan Zhang, Tianqi Gao, Jinjun Xiong (IBM Research), Kyle Rupnow (Inspirit IoT), Huafeng Yu (Boeing), Wen-mei Hwu, Deming Chen.

For details, please check out the following IBM blog post.


The C3SR team won the 1st places for the CVPR Visual Understanding of Humans in Crowd Scene and the 2nd Look Into Person (LIP) Challenge for three Tacks: Track1 Look Into Person: Single Person Human Parsing Challenge(50462 images), Track2 Look Into Person: Multi-Person Human Parsing Challenge(38280 images) and Track5 Look Into Person: Fine-Grained Multi-Human Human Parsing Challenge(25403 images). The winning team members were Yunchao Wei, Ting Liu, Rao Ruan, Jie Zhao, Shikui Wei, Yao Zhao, Honghui Shi, Jinjun Xiong, and Thomas Huang.


The C3SR team won the 3rd place for the Nvidia AI City Challenge for traffic flow estimation at 2018 CVPR workshop on Nvidia AI City Challenge.

The winning team members were Honghui Shi, Zhonghao Wang, Yang Zhang, Xinchao Wang, and Thomas Huang. For more details, please check out the following IBM blog post.



Two of C3SR students, Mr. Mert Hidayetoglu and Carl Pearson, receive the Dan Vivoli Endowed Fellowship for the school year of 2017 - 2018.

Congratulations, Mert and Carl!